
Humanitarian Volunteerism for Solidarity Activities

At the beginning of 2024, Philanthropy started the implementation of a three-year project within the European Solidarity Corps program supported by the European Union. This project is implemented in a consortium with seven organisations from Serbia, the European Union, and Africa. As part of partnership cooperation, Philanthropy, as a certified organization for work with volunteers, will host three volunteers from abroad. During the implementation of the project, humanitarian volunteerism for solidarity activities will activate 24 volunteers within the consortium to provide support in countries certified as host countries. At the end of April, the kick-off meeting of the project partners was held in Novi Pazar: ADRA Czechia, ADRA Slovakia, ADRA Zambia, ADRA Serbia, Association of Pioneers of Uganda, Ecumenical Humanitarian Organisation, Merhamet Sandžak, and Philanthropy.

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Support for older persons in rural communities

During the autumn of 2023, Philanthropy, Charitable Foundation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, organised a series of activities and provided medical and social welfare services for older persons living in rural communities in Ruma, Kragujevac and Kraljevo. The older population living in rural communities does not have the opportunity to spend quality time, which is essential for preservation of their physical and mental health. In addition, social and health care services are highly limited in rural communities. Bearing in mind the needs of older persons living in rural areas, Philanthropy organises various creative and occupational activities, as well as assures quick and easy access to medical doctors. All of these initiatives are part of the project „ASSIST – Action to Strengthen Solidarity in Serbia and Moldova in Times of COVID 19 to Protect Older People’s Health and Wellbeing“ supported by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria and the organisation Brot für die Welt.

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Philanthropy supported implementation of rescue trainings

During November and December 2023, Philanthropy supported implementation of four rescue trainings. The trainings were held by the Voluntary Fire Asssociation "Gornja sela" Pranjani in Gornji Milanovac, Voluntary Fire Association Vrnjačka Banja, Rafting Club "Drinska Regatta" in Ljubovia and Mountain Rescue Service of Serbia – Station Novi Pazar. The trainings included theoretical and practical segments of rescuing in cases of open fire, rescuing in cases of accidents on the water and rescuing in mountain conditions. The trainings were attended by 75 people, rescue professionals and representatives of public institutions and CSOs responsible for rescue and safety of large number of individuals. The trainings were implemented within the second phase of "Project for Increasing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Enhancing Preparedness Strategy (PREPS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia". The project provides expert, material and practical support to local authorities and local communities exposed to recurring natural disasters, is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by CRS (Catholic Relief Services) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by Philanthropy and Caritas Serbia in Serbia.

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Capacity Building of Employees

Philanthropy implemented the project "Capacity building of employees in shelter for adults and older persons “St Joachim and Anne”, Kragujevac and professionals in social protection" from September to December 2024. The project is financially supported by Caritas Austria.  Within project, two roundtable were held for employees in social welfare and stakeholders involved in providing accommodation services at the shelter, both directly and indirectly. The roundtables were registered in the Chamber of Social Welfare to enable professional workers to obtain necessary points for renewing their professional licenses. An accredited program for preventing burnout syndrome in the workplace was provided for shelter employees. Employees also had the opportunity to attend a one-day training session to improved their knowledge in the areas of care, common infectious diseases and illnesses, mental health and psychosocial support. Workshops were conducted with beneficiaries on the topic of presenting accessible social services in the community, as well as improving relationships in the family environment with the aim of better integrating beneficiaries into the community and/or adapting to more permanent forms of accommodation.

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Media Training

Philanthropy organized specialized training on media reporting and crisis communication in emergency situations. The training, conducted on 6 and November, 2023 in Bogutovacka Banja, was attended by journalists and local authorities’ media and communication officers from Gornji Milanovac, Ljubovija, Novi Pazar and Vrnjačka Banja. Mr. Zdravko Maksimović, Head of the Civil Protection Department in the City of Kraljevo and Mr. Ljubiša Lešević, journalist, correspondent and owner of TV production and marketing agency, shared their experience and discussed crisis communication with training attendees. The training was implemented within the second phase of "Project for Increasing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Enhancing Preparedness Strategy (PREPS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia". The project provides expert, material and practical support to local authorities and local communities exposed to recurring natural disasters, is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by CRS (Catholic Relief Services) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by Philanthropy and Caritas Serbia in Serbia.

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Philanthropy - Staff Care

Philanthropy representatives participated in the workshop “Mutual Learning about Psychosocial Approaches and Care”, which was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in the period 8-15 October 2023, organised by the German organisation Brot fur die Welt. The workshop was attended by 32 professional care and service providers from Germany, Ukraine, Moldavia, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Romania, Poland, Serbia, Ruanda, Lebanon and Albania. Participants discussed several topics, among them community based psychosocial approach, prevention of burn out, staff wellbeing, etc. Workshop participants are professionals, long-term service providers for the most vulnerable groups – older persons, PLHIV, migrants, refugees and IDPs, children deprived of parental care, victims of war, victims of violence, victims of human trafficking. Participants shared success stories and challenges, and decided to design online platform for future exchange and learning.

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Second phase of "Project for Increasing Resilience to Natural Disaster and Enhancing Preparedness Strategy (PREPS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

In collaboration with municipalities’ Disaster Risk Reduction Working Groups (DRRWGs), Philanthropy successfully completed Community Led Disaster Risk Management Trainings (CLDRM) in municipalities of Gornji Milanovac, Ljubovija, Novi Pazar and Vrnjacka Banja. Action Plans of local communities exposed to recurring disasters will be developed in the upcoming period, in collaboration with public actors in charge for disaster risk reduction (DRR). Action Plans will assure active participation of local population and raising awareness on mutual responsibility within local authorities’ efforts to strategically improve principles and approaches of DRR management. Activities are implemented within the second phase of "Project for Increasing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Enhancing Preparedness Strategy (PREPS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia". The project will provide expert, material and practical support to local authorities and local communities exposed to recurring natural disasters and is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented by CRS (Catholic Relief Services) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by Philanthropy and Caritas Serbia in Serbia.

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Support for young women and men from disadvantaged groups

Young women and men in Serbia encounter various life challenges, and particular support is required for youth coming from disadvantaged groups. Young Roma in Kraljevo receive peer-to-peer support in combating discrimination, strengthening employability capacities, preservation of health and social wellbeing. Since November 2021, almost 700 young women and young men, young Roma, youth without parental care leaving social welfare care, youth in rural and sub-urban areas, youth living with HIV/ Aids, STDs, substance users and sexual workers participate in the project "ACT NOW against youth marginalisation in Serbia in times of COVID-19", Philanthropy implements this project in cooperation with Brot für die Welt Austria, supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation.

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Creative Expression of Youths

Creative expression is one of the best ways for young people to form an opinion and express attitudes on topics that concern them, and this is exactly what Philanthropy encourages through the educational cycles organised within the project " ACT NOW against youth marginalisation in Serbia in times of COVID-19". Topics such as gender equality, peer violence, employment and many others have inspired deprived young people to present their opinions in various manners. The project is implemented in cooperation with Brot für die Welt Austria, with the support of the Austrian Development Cooperation.

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Educational cycles for youth

As part of the project "ACT NOW against youth marginalisation in Serbia in times of COVID-19", Philanthropy organises educational cycles for young people who are or once were beneficiaries of the public social welfare. Participants discussed peer and gender-based violence, protection of human rights and fight against discrimination. These cycles also serve to exchange experiences and identify opportunities for young persons' more active involvement in social life in Serbia. Within this project, Philanthropy develops various modalities of cooperation with young people and creates youth development platforms. The project is implemented in cooperation with the Brot für die Welt, supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation.

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